The University of Washington Puget Sound Institute provides analysis, research and communication to advance the science of ecosystem protection.
This past summer, two science papers documented, for the first time, the presence of two species of sharks not known to exist in Puget Sound. These species are commonly called sevengill and soupfin sharks. I am sorry to say that I did not know much about sharks in Puget Sound, and I had never written […]
Co-hosted with the Puget Sound Partnership from 12:30 – 1:30 pm PT The Salish Sea Science Roundtable online speaker series continues on Tuesday, December 3 from 12:30 – 1:30 pm. The roundtable will describe ongoing work to address the cumulative effects of restoration in the Whidbey Basin using synthesis methodology rooted in causal analysis. We will describe the […]
Southern Resident killer whales have been hanging out in Puget Sound much longer than normal this fall, probably because of an unusually large run of chum salmon coming into Central and South Puget Sound, experts say. As of today, J pod has remained in Puget Sound for 19 straight days with the exception of a […]