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December 27, 2024

Adult fall Chinook salmon. Photo: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory">

The importance of estuaries for adult salmon in Puget Sound

Next time you see a salmon moving upstream to spawn, consider the importance of estuaries. Estuaries, places where rivers and creeks mix with the waters of Puget Sound, help salmon adjust the ions (salts) in their bodies so they can safely make the transition from marine to fresh water. A new report by University of Washington scientist […]

December 16, 2024

A distributary channel created by The Nature Conservancy as a shortcut for juvenile Chinook as they move from freshwater to saltwater environments. Photo: Sylvia Kantor/PSI">

Ask a scientist: What is a distributary channel?

In a natural state, a river passing through a floodplain will have many side channels and tendrils that distribute the water, fanning it out across the delta. However, these channels are often lost when rivers are diverted to make room for farmland or other human development. In many cases, even after the dikes and levees […]

July 31, 2024

Channel flowing through tidal marsh.">

Photo essay: Rebirth of an estuary

More than 90 percent of Puget Sound’s tidal wetlands have been lost to development. These rare estuaries, where tidal flows mix with outputs from local rivers, are critical to the early life stages of Chinook and other salmon. A restoration project near Port Susan Bay at the mouth of the Stillaguamish River is bringing back […]

November 8, 2023


Puget Sound ecosystem holding on, but recovery remains uncertain, says latest status report

Efforts to restore ecological health to Puget Sound have largely failed to meet recovery goals, yet fish and wildlife populations are still hanging on, according to a new report that describes many struggling populations as neither increasing nor decreasing to a significant extent. The latest State of the Sound report, released last week by the […]

September 30, 2023


What may be the nation’s largest estuary seems hidden in plain sight for many people

What is the largest estuary in the United States? This is a question loaded with confusion and open to interpretation, as you will soon see. Before we get to the likely answer — which may surprise you — let me share a few authoritative views on the subject: Chesapeake Bay Foundation: “Chesapeake Bay is the […]