The Puget Sound Institute is collaborating with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to enhance a new web-based mapping resource for Puget Sound. The project will utilize NOAA’s Environmental Response Management Application® (ERMA) within the Institute’s forthcoming Encyclopedia of Puget Sound to bring together a wide array of GIS and oceanographic data. ERMA was […]
February 22, 2012

Is beer toxic to Puget Sound?
Recently spotted in SoundCitizen founder Rick Keil and new PSP Science Panel member Tracy Collier weigh in— Is it OK to pour beer down the drain?
February 22, 2012

New PSP science hires
Dave Peeler and Leska Fore have joined the Puget Sound Partnership’s science team to support the monitoring program.
February 22, 2012

Study shows Puget Sound “artificially flavored”
A recent study by UW undergraduates at SoundCitizen, which recently moved from Oceanography to the Center for Urban Waters, shows that Puget Sound is awash in vanilla, pain relievers and other man-made compounds.
February 22, 2012

Joe Gaydos begins term as Science Panel Chair
Newly elected Chair of the Puget Sound Partnership Science Panel Joe Gaydos began his term on January 25th, with Bill Labiosa serving as Vice Chair. Gaydos is the Chief Scientist for the SeaDoc Society, a marine ecosystem health program of the UC Davis Wildlife Health Center. Gaydos has been a member of the Science Panel […]
February 21, 2012

Expanded document archive; Puget Sound Science Review; Water Symposium
Visit our expanded document archive at: The Puget Sound Institute has scanned and uploaded more than two-dozen documents covering 25 years of Puget Sound science, including all available “State of the Sound” and Georgia Basin/Salish Sea conference proceedings. Take a journey back to 1986, or fast forward to the recently posted proceedings of the […]
February 21, 2012

Leonardo da Vinci’s “Last Supper” meets Puget Sound research
PSI/Urban Waters post-doctoral researcher Justin P. Miller-Schulze was recently the lead author on a paper published in Atmospheric Environment, “Characteristics of fine particle carbonaceous aerosol at two remote sites in Central Asia,” and a co-author on a paper in Environmental Science and Technology, “Chemical Characterization and Source Apportionment of Fine and Coarse Particulate Matter inside […]
February 21, 2012

Evaluating and ranking ecosystem indicators
Puget Sound Institute Research Scientist Andy James is co-author of a paper this month in the journal Environmental Management. The paper, “A Methodology for Evaluating and Ranking Water Quantity Indicators in Support of Ecosystem-based Management” uses Puget Sound as a case study, describing frameworks for identifying and ranking ecosystem indicators. Authors include: C. Andrew James, Jessi Kershner, […]
February 21, 2012

PSI welcomes incoming Puget Sound Scholar Tessa Francis
We are excited to announce that Tessa Francis is the newest member of the Puget Sound Institute team, and begins her appointment as a Research Scientist at the end of this month.
February 21, 2012

PSI plans second Human Dimensions workshop
The Puget Sound Institute plans a second Human Dimensions workshop to develop a social science strategy for Puget Sound ecosystem recovery.