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December 17, 2024

Meet PSI’s Hershman Fellows

Jessica Clemens As a Hershman Fellow at Puget Sound Institute, Jessica Clemens is researching how metabolomics can be used to better understand the impacts of anthropogenic contaminants on aquatic organisms. Her project focuses on data from long-term studies on shellfish in Puget Sound. Areas of interest include how reproduction is altered by the presence of contaminants, […]

June 27, 2024

Headshots of four people. From left to right: Kayla Engelhardt, Mary Flynn, Iris Miller-Sherman, and Isabella Showman">

Meet our summer interns

The Puget Sound Institute welcomes four student interns from the University of Washington this summer. The interns will work with Institute scientists and staff on a range of topics including collaborative leadership, dissolved oxygen, temperature thresholds of key species, and estuarine habitat. Three of our interns come to us through the University of Washington EarthLab […]

April 22, 2023

Wearing safety goggles, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Deputy Administrator Janet McCabe (far left), Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland and Congressman Derek Kilmer watch Dr. Ed Kolodziej as he demonstrates the innovative methods researchers at UW Tacoma's Center for Urban Waters used to identify tire derivative 6PPD-quinone as a killer of coho salmon. Photo by Jeff Rice.">

Ed Kolodziej among finalists for Frontiers Planet Prize

Puget Sound Institute affiliate Dr. Ed Kolodziej is one of 20 finalists for the prestigious Frontiers Planet Prize honoring “impactful research breakthroughs” in global sustainability science. Kolodziej was selected by an international jury as the United States representative earning him the title of National Champion and advancing him to compete for a prize of one […]

July 24, 2022

PSI monthly roundup: July 2022

VIEW THE FULLY FORMATTED NEWSLETTER in your browser Low-oxygen problems to be scrutinized in talks about research, modeling efforts   For decades, researchers have been advancing their understanding of what causes the harmful and sometimes deadly low-oxygen problems afflicting some areas of Puget Sound. A series of 10 workshops on the subject will begin Tuesday, July […]

June 25, 2022

Audrey Rhodes is the recipient of this summer's stormwater internship at the Center for Urban Waters.">

Meet our intern: Audrey Rhodes

We are pleased to welcome Audrey Rhodes as a summer research assistant at the Center for Urban Waters. Audrey will be working in cooperation with the Stormwater Equipment Manufacturer’s Association (SWEMA) to analyze the effectiveness of new stormwater treatment technologies through literature reviews of published research. As part of her internship, she will work closely with experienced stormwater professionals to provide […]

March 2, 2022


Seattle Aquarium honors work conducted at the Center for Urban Waters

Congratulations to our recent affiliate Dr. Zhenyu Tian for receiving the Seattle Aquarium’s Conservation Research Award! Tian, who is now an assistant professor at Northeastern University, has been recognized by the Aquarium for his work in 2020 to identify a chemical from automobile tires that has been killing Coho salmon in Puget Sound. Tian and […]

September 27, 2021

Stacked tires. Photo: Kool Cats Photography. (CC BY-NC 2.0)">

Conference highlights latest findings on toxic chemical in tires

The International Conference on Emerging Contaminants (EMCON), hosted virtually this month by the University of Washington, focused on newly identified threats from chemicals and microplastics in the environment. The conference provided an opportunity to hear the latest research on the discovery of a tire-related compound deadly to Puget Sound’s coho salmon. The cause of what scientists […]

July 30, 2021


New NSF grant supports toxics research

Researchers at our affiliate organization the Center for Urban Waters have received a $797,107 National Science Foundation grant for the purchase of new equipment to identify toxic contaminants in Puget Sound. Ed Kolodziej is the project’s principal investigator. Co-principal investigators include David Beck, Allison Gardell, Jessica Ray, and Andy James. The funds were awarded on […]

July 16, 2021


PSI Director Joel Baker elected to Washington State Academy of Sciences

Puget Sound Institute Director and University of Washington Tacoma Professor of Environmental Science Joel Baker is one of 38 new members elected to the Washington State Academy of Sciences in 2021. Baker, an environmental chemist who has worked extensively on science and policy issues related to Puget Sound, was selected for his “foundational work on […]