The University of Washington Puget Sound Institute (PSI) is seeking a highly motivated stakeholder engagement and science communication manager, with experience working with municipal staff and their stakeholders in wastewater or stormwater, marine/aquatic resources, or other interdisciplinary environmental management and planning areas. The position will expand current PSI capabilities to synthesize and communicate scientific results in a compelling way for managers, stakeholders and the general public seeking to understand complex water quality challenges in Puget Sound, and scientifically valid solutions. See the Salish Sea Modeling Center website for an example of scientific products and results. This position is housed at the Center for Urban Waters in Tacoma, Washington. The person hired will be expected to work in person with the potential for some teleworking, with additional meetings with partners throughout the metropolitan areas. This full-time position with benefits has a preferred start date in February 2022, and is currently funded for one year with expectation of continued funding.
Read the full job description and apply for the position at the University of Washington Human Resources website.
Search for Req #: 202722