This is a guest blog from Partners in Puget Sound Recovery, an inter-agency group focused on strategies for stormwater mitigation, habitat protection and shellfish recovery in Puget Sound.
Project Spotlight: Replicable Model for Depave and LID Retrofits
This project will conduct three depave and retrofit activities providing direct stormwater benefit to three communities resulting in the removal of up to 15,000 square feet of excess pavement and the infiltration of up to 360,000 gallons of stormwater annually.
What we are doing:
These activities will provide case studies for the development and publication of a Depave Puget Sound “How To” guidebook that will be provided to organizations and agencies throughout Puget Sound to make this a regionally adopted program.
How we’re doing it:
The three individual pavement removal projects detailed in this proposal will serve as case studies to highlight the three primary models/methods of implementing pavement removal/LID retrofit projects:
- Community Driven Projects
- Public/Private Partnership Projects
- Multi-jurisdictional Projects
Why this issue is important:
This project will empower communities throughout Puget Sound to start their own Depave programs, adding green space to the urban landscape while drastically reducing stormwater pollution.
What you can do:
Support your local Depave efforts by nominating sites in your neighborhood that are unnecessary or excess pavement. Visit Pierce County Conservation District today to find more info.
About the organization:
Pierce Conservation District works with local landowners and public agencies to conserve natural resources that are essential to both our economy and our region’s quality of life.
Did you know: The Stormwater Strategic Initiative supports depave and low impact development (LID) projects, such as the Pierce County Conservation District project highlighted here, given that their experiences can be easily replicable throughout Puget Sound resulting in enhanced stormwater management. The Washington State Department of Ecology, Washington Stormwater Center, and the Washington State Department of Commerce believe in assisting local jurisdictions to develop innovative projects that address stormwater concerns locally and share their experiences and information regionally.