Co-hosted with the Fisheries & Oceans Canada from 12:30 – 1:30 pm PT The Salish Sea Science Roundtable online speaker series continues on Tuesday, January 7 from 12:30 – 1:30 pm. How have ocean conditions, lower trophic level dynamics, and species interactions shaped the Strait of Georgia’s marine ecosystem over the past 40 years? What long-term […]
June 28, 2023
Prey and predators create varying life-or-death conditions for salmon, as shown with Atlantis model
This article is the latest in a series about computer models and their uses within the Puget Sound ecosystem. As scientists uncover more and more information about a particular ecosystem, computer modelers are often eager to put that raw data to good use in complex models tuned to local conditions. One highly acclaimed model, called […]
June 15, 2023
Quantitative models, including Ecopath, take food web studies to a higher level of analysis
As part of a project exploring the technical uncertainties surrounding Puget Sound water quality, we are reviewing how computer models are used to advance our understanding of natural systems. This blog post is part of a series focused on different models and their uses within the Puget Sound ecosystem. The project is jointly sponsored by King […]
September 25, 2022
Six things that people should know about ecosystem modeling and virtual experiments
The Puget Sound Institute is facilitating a series of online workshops and discussions to explore the technical uncertainties related to the science of Puget Sound water quality. As part of the project, we are publishing informational blogs and articles, including this look at how computer models are becoming increasingly important to our understanding of the natural world. The project is […]