New event:
More than 130 researchers, scientists, modelers, and other experts attended our first workshop in July on The Science of Puget Sound Water Quality. The discussion continues with two interrelated workshops focusing on scientific tools for evaluating marine conditions and species health.
Join us:
September 29th from 8 – 10 AM PT for Tools to Evaluate Water Quality. Learn about tools and new analyses from monitoring and modeling that help us better understand water quality and potential eutrophication impacts. We will look in particular at increased access to spatial and temporal data, including in terminal inlets and shallow embayments.
On October 6th from 8 – 10:30 AM PT our workshop focuses on the Biological Integrity of Key Species and Habitats. Dr. Jacob Carstensen of the Baltic Nest Institute will describe how researchers in the Baltic Sea are tackling eutrophication. Then Dr. Tim Essington of the University of Washington will explore regional research to quantify the eutrophication risk to key species and habitats in a multi-stressor environment. Building on these insights, workshop participants will have an opportunity to refine the modeling tools that help us protect key species and habitats in the Salish Sea.
The workshop series is facilitated by the Puget Sound Institute with support from King County.