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Photographic portrait of Christoper Dunagan

Puget Sound Institute senior writer Christopher Dunagan discusses the challenges of protecting Puget Sound and all things water-related. As the very first environmental reporter for the Kitsap Sun, he has been a respected voice in the region for more than 25 years. He has been covering science-related stories for the Puget Sound Institute since 2015.

June 15, 2023

" alt="Quantitative models, including Ecopath, take food web studies to a higher level of analysis">

Quantitative models, including Ecopath, take food web studies to a higher level of analysis

As part of a project exploring the technical uncertainties surrounding Puget Sound water quality, we are reviewing how computer models are used to advance our understanding of natural systems. This blog post is part of a series focused on different models and their uses within the Puget Sound ecosystem. The project is jointly sponsored by King […]

June 8, 2023

" alt="Health of killer whales examined through Bayesian network modeling and informed predictions">

Health of killer whales examined through Bayesian network modeling and informed predictions

Qualitative network modeling, as shown in the previous post in Our Water Ways, is focused on actions that create either positive or negative results for actors in the model. This modeling approach is useful for considering the possible outcomes triggered by various actions, especially when data are lacking to develop mathematical relationships between the actors. […]

June 1, 2023

" alt="Researchers use a qualitative network model to test ways to boost production at shellfish farms">

Researchers use a qualitative network model to test ways to boost production at shellfish farms

As part of a project exploring the technical uncertainties surrounding Puget Sound water quality, we are reviewing how computer models are used to advance our understanding of natural systems. This blog post is part of a series focused on different models and their uses within the Puget Sound ecosystem. The project is jointly sponsored by King […]

May 25, 2023

" alt="Before supercomputers, a structural model helped scientists predict currents in Puget Sound">

Before supercomputers, a structural model helped scientists predict currents in Puget Sound

As part of a project exploring the technical uncertainties surrounding Puget Sound water quality, we are reviewing how computer models are used to advance our understanding of natural systems. This blog post is part of a series focused on different models and their uses within the Puget Sound ecosystem. The project is jointly sponsored by King […]

May 11, 2023

" alt="Shutdown looms for Alaska summer troll fishery; court order aims to provide more salmon for orcas">

Shutdown looms for Alaska summer troll fishery; court order aims to provide more salmon for orcas

Southern Resident killer whales, which frequent Puget Sound, are expected to benefit from more Chinook salmon later this year, as expressed in a court order calling for the suspension of a major troll fishery in Southeast Alaska. Alaska state officials are dismayed by the ruling, saying that closing this commercial fishery would have a devastating […]

March 20, 2023

" alt="Inbreeding hinders population recovery among endangered Southern Resident killer whales">

Inbreeding hinders population recovery among endangered Southern Resident killer whales

While a scarcity of Chinook salmon and other environmental factors may be pushing the Southern Resident killer whales toward extinction, a new genetics study has revealed that inbreeding has been exerting a powerful, overriding influence upon the small, genetically isolated population. The weakened genetic condition of the Southern Resident orcas, which frequent Puget Sound, could […]

January 3, 2023

" alt="Remembering Ken Balcomb and his extraordinary life with killer whales">

Remembering Ken Balcomb and his extraordinary life with killer whales

I’m still adjusting to the world of killer whales without Ken Balcomb. Ken, who died Dec. 15 at age 82, was a constant presence throughout my career as an environmental reporter. His presence inspired many others among the so-called “killer whale community,” made of experts, observers and those who simply love and follow the stories […]

December 10, 2022

" alt="As winter approaches, salmon and orcas are still a commanding presence">

As winter approaches, salmon and orcas are still a commanding presence

With salmon and orcas still on the move and facing ever-changing weather conditions, I thought it might be time for a brief update to my blog post of Nov. 21. At the time of the last report, the Puget Sound region had gone through a 13-day dry spell, which followed a period of brief and […]

November 21, 2022

" alt="Low rainfall leads to an odd and changing year for salmon, killer whales and people">

Low rainfall leads to an odd and changing year for salmon, killer whales and people

It has been an interesting year for observing the behavior of Southern Resident killer whales, chum salmon and humans in the Puget Sound region. Weather played a significant role. Two weeks ago, all three pods of endangered orcas spent four days together in Puget Sound, something we have not seen in years. Chum salmon, which […]

November 4, 2022

" alt="Lawsuit seeks to block Southeast Alaska troll fishing to increase salmon for orcas">

Lawsuit seeks to block Southeast Alaska troll fishing to increase salmon for orcas

How much should Alaskan fishing be curtailed to provide more food for the endangered Southern Resident killer whales? It is an important question, enmeshed in conflicting federal priorities and provoked by a lawsuit brought by Wild Fish Conservancy, a Seattle-based conservation group. A federal court ruled in August that the National Marine Fisheries Service had […]