A new report commissioned by the Puget Sound Institute and the Encyclopedia of Puget Sound provides the most comprehensive assessment to date of the expected impacts of climate change on the Puget Sound region.
The report was produced by the University of Washington Climate Impacts Group, and is meant as an easy-to-read summary that covers topics such as increasing landslides, flooding, sea level rise, impacts on human health, agriculture and rising stream temperatures for salmon. Partners in the report include NOAA, The Nature Conservancy, the Puget Sound Partnership, the WWU Huxley Spatial Institute and others including dozens of contributing scientists. Major funding for the report was provided by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Download: “State of Knowledge: Climate Change in Puget Sound”
You can also read highlights from the report in a three-part series from Puget Sound Institute senior writer Chris Dunagan. This week’s story covers the potential increase in landslides, something of special concern during the winter rainy season.
Related articles:
Shifting ground: climate change may increase the risk of landslides (PSI Blog)
New report outlines Puget Sound region’s future under climate change (UW Today)
From Puget Sound Institute: Climate Change in Puget Sound (UW Tacoma News and information)
UW study: Puget Sound area may face more flooding as climate gets warmer (Seattle Times)
Report details effects of climate change in Puget Sound (Associated Press via Kitsap Sun)