Puget Sound Institute will host a seminar/webinar on June 11th, 2018 entitled:
Puget Sound applications of the VELMA ecohydrological model
Presenter: Bob McKane, PhD
Date & Time: Monday, June 11, 2018, 11:00 am Pacific Time. Online access will be available from 10:45 am. Please log in by 10:50 am for a briefing on meeting guidelines. The presentation will begin promptly at 11 am.
Abstract: This seminar will present an overview of EPA’s Visualizing Ecosystem Land Management Assessments (VELMA) model and its applications in the Puget Sound Basin. Topics will include a description of how VELMA simulates the interaction of hydrological and biogeochemical processes in rural and urban watersheds, and its current applications for assisting communities, tribes and regional restoration planners in understanding and anticipating the effects of land use, land cover and climate on the capacity of ecosystems to provide clean drinking water, flood control, habitat for fish and wildlife, food and fiber, carbon sequestration, etc. New work focusing on a multi-organization effort to develop an integrated terrestrial-marine modeling framework (VELMA/Salish Sea Model/Atlantis) for informing Puget Sound restoration planning will also be discussed.
Dr. Bob McKane is a systems ecologist with EPA’s Western Ecology Division in Corvallis, Oregon. He has 25 years of experience in the use of simulation models for analyzing effects of climate and land use on ecohydrological processes in terrestrial ecosystems. He currently leads a team of EPA scientists in developing and applying the VELMA model in support of environmental decision making at local and regional scales.
Venue: Center for Urban Waters, 326 E D St, Tacoma. Commencement Bay North Conference Room.
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