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April 19, 2012

Water Symposium roundup

The Center for Urban Waters was pleased to host the 2012 University of Washington Water Symposium on April 18th, at the UW Center for Urban Horticulture. The symposium featured more than a dozen speakers on a wide variety of topics related to water issues locally and worldwide. Special congratulations to the symposium’s Best Poster winners […]

April 16, 2012

Preview: the Encyclopedia of Puget Sound

Check out a preview of the Puget Sound Institute’s forthcoming Encyclopedia of Puget Sound at the University of Washington Water Symposium this Wednesday, April 18th. Members of the PSI will be available to answer questions and show screenshots of our latest page designs. We’ll also be asking for your feedback. Send us an email, or […]

April 16, 2012

Recent papers

Food web dynamics Two recent papers by Puget Sound researchers, including one co-authored by a Puget Sound Institute scientist, highlight some of the tools being used to describe food-web dynamics in marine communities.

April 16, 2012

The science of decision support at PSI

The complex nature of ecosystem recovery in Puget Sound means that scientists and policymakers are often faced with tough decisions. Given finite resources and widespread need, where should they best focus their efforts? Beginning this summer, Dr. Bill Labiosa will serve as a visiting scholar at the Puget Sound Institute to help develop decision science […]

April 16, 2012

Puget Sound Voices: Art Kruckeberg

Dr. Arthur Kruckeberg, Professor Emeritus of Botany at the University of Washington, has seen more than sixty years of science in the Puget Sound region. Since taking a position at the UW in 1950, Kruckeberg taught and influenced generations of Puget Sound area biologists (he retired from teaching in 1989) and has written six books […]

April 16, 2012

UW Water Symposium this week

2012 University of Washington Water Symposium The Center for Urban Waters and the Puget Sound Institute host the 2012 University of Washington Water Symposium this Wednesday, April 18th. The symposium will be held on the University of Washington’s Seattle campus at the Center for Urban Horticulture, and includes speakers and poster presentations on a variety […]

February 22, 2012

Screenshot of NOAA's ERMA online mapping tool">

PSI collaborates with NOAA on Puget Sound maps

The Puget Sound Institute is collaborating with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to enhance a new web-based mapping resource for Puget Sound. The project will utilize NOAA’s Environmental Response Management Application® (ERMA) within the Institute’s forthcoming Encyclopedia of Puget Sound to bring together a wide array of GIS and oceanographic data. ERMA was […]