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December 12, 2011

SoundCitizen program finds new home at Urban Waters

SoundCitizen, a program founded by UW oceanographer Rick Keil, will become part of the Center for Urban Waters at UW Tacoma under the directorship of the PSI’s Joel Baker. SoundCitizen is “a community-based water sample network in the Puget Sound region, focusing on scientific investigations of the chemical links between urban settings and aquatic systems. […]

December 12, 2011

Puget Sound science document archive now available

The Puget Sound Institute is building an online collection of historical documents from events and publications related to Puget Sound science. Visit the Document Archive to find a growing list of archival materials, ranging from Salish Sea and Georgia Basin conference proceedings to a long lineage of Puget Sound Science Updates and State of the […]

December 12, 2011

Puget Sound Biennial Science Workplan approved by PSP Leadership Council

A note from Puget Sound Partnership Science Director Ken Currens: The Puget Sound Partnership Science Panel has identified 48 science actions as high priority.  The actions, described in Priority Science for Restoring and Protecting Puget Sound: A Biennial Science Work Plan for 2011-2013, are intended to provide strategic focus for scientists working on Puget Sound […]

December 12, 2011

Dr. Usha Varanasi">

Usha Varanasi named Distinguished Scholar in Residence at the Center for Urban Waters

The Puget Sound Institute is proud to announce that Dr. Usha Varanasi will be joining the Center for Urban Waters as its first Distinguished Scholar in Residence. Her leadership and vision have had deep and lasting impacts in the Pacific Northwest and beyond, including her involvement in establishing the Center for Urban Waters, and her […]

December 12, 2011

PSI launches bimonthly newsletter

Welcome to the University of Washington Puget Sound Institute, and to our first newsletter. The Institute began almost exactly one year ago with a simple idea: There can and should be better communication among scientists working to protect and restore the Salish Sea ecosystem. Coordinated, system-wide knowledge is vital to effective science and policy (see: […]