At first, the decline of kelp in Puget Sound seemed unlikely. This signature, leafy algae was thought to be especially hearty and resistant to some of the stressors that have affected other shoreline species like eelgrass. It was hard to go to a beach in Puget Sound and not find long strands of bull kelp […]
November 7, 2019
PSI in the news: ‘Salmon on Prozac’ and more
PSI’s Andy James is collaborating with scientists at NOAA and Washington State University to understand how wastewater affects juvenile salmon in Puget Sound. The study is led by Jim Meador of NOAA’s Northwest Fisheries Sciences Center and focuses on discharge from three major sewage treatment plants in King County. Wastewater will be analyzed at the […]
November 4, 2019

EPA announces $27.5 million in funding for Puget Sound
The Puget Sound Institute is one of more than a dozen organizations in the state of Washington to receive funds this year from the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Estuary Program. The agency awarded $27.5 million in grants in 2019 to organizations working to protect and restore the Puget Sound ecosystem. A news release from the […]
October 31, 2019

A path through the maze of resilience thinking
‘Resilience thinking’ has exploded in recent decades to become a sprawling discipline, complete with debates and inconsistencies, and literature to match. The idea that ecosystems should be made ‘resilient,’ or able to absorb disturbance and still bounce back, has gained traction in many policy circles, but there remains some disagreement about what the term means […]
October 23, 2019
Survey shows Puget Sound residents prefer natural shorelines to armored ones
By Jeff Rice, Puget Sound Institute Shoreline armoring not only damages the ecosystem, it may also impact our ‘sense of place’ and enjoyment of the environment, according to a 2019 report from Oregon State University. The report is based on surveys of both property owners and non-property owners in Puget Sound. More than 66% of […]
October 9, 2019
‘Early migration gene’ tied to unique population of Chinook
By Christopher Dunagan, Puget Sound Institute Recent studies have shown that Chinook salmon that spawn in the spring are genetically distinct from varieties that spawn during fall months. Experts are confronting the resulting ecological, social and legal implications of that finding. Each year, as the dark days of winter surrendered to the rebirth of spring, […]
September 23, 2019
PSI study will look at potential of low-interest loans for armor removal
There are more than 45,000 residential properties along Puget Sound’s shoreline. Of those, almost half have some form of environmentally damaging shoreline armoring. That makes private landowners a primary focus of state and federal armor removal efforts, but many landowners say they either lack funds or are unwilling to pay for sometimes costly beach restorations. […]
September 5, 2019
Are some streams in Puget Sound getting cleaner?
Scientists are reporting some potentially good news about the health of Puget Sound’s streams. Ten years of data from 126 stream sites within King County have shown a slight improvement in water quality, according to the county’s Water and Land Resource Division. The study examined the variety of insects and other invertebrates that were collected […]
August 30, 2019
Project seeks to “depave” Puget Sound
This is a guest blog from Partners in Puget Sound Recovery, an inter-agency group focused on strategies for stormwater mitigation, habitat protection and shellfish recovery in Puget Sound. Project Spotlight: Replicable Model for Depave and LID Retrofits Overview: This project will conduct three depave and retrofit activities providing direct stormwater benefit to three communities resulting in […]
August 9, 2019
Are the orcas starving? Scientists say it’s not that simple
The reported deaths this week of three more southern resident orcas have brought renewed urgency to efforts to save the critically endangered population of whales. Many scientists and policymakers are focusing on the orcas’ access to their main source of food, the Chinook salmon. Members of the orca population are appearing dangerously thin and malnourished. […]